
National Patent – Title: Metodo ed elettrodo attivo a radiofrequenza per interventi di discectomia microendoscopica. Patent 0001347474 – Registration 19 September 2008. This invention relates to a surgical electrode (scalpel) made of pure titanium and used in the field of surgery. This experience has encouraged me to consider titanium as a biocompatible material suitable for use in structures in which human presence is constant.

National Patent – Title: Nuove leghe d’oro ad alta caratura di superiore durezza. Patent 0001358400 – Registration 01 April 2009. This invention relates to the creation of new gold alloys to be used for the ennobling of decorative elements in architecture.

National Patent –Title: Metodo per preparare impianti bioattivi, biocompatibili la cui superficie e’ caratterizzata da clusters di me 1. 07 ti 1. 73 o4 con una struttura lepidocrocite frattale, da destinare al dominio della implantologia dentale e della ortopedia.Patent 0001386070 – Registration 09 February 2011. This invention relates to the creation of new fractal surfaces on titanium materials and has the purpose of demonstrating that nanostructured titanium is a material of high biocompatibility, and therefore may well be destined for the construction of structures that come in contact with living beings.

National Patent – Title: Metodo innovativo per creare un layer nanostrutturato honeycomb di titania, autogenerato sulle superfici di materiali a base titanio, destinati al dominio medicale e chirurgico degli impianti dentali, delle protesi ortopediche e delle osteosintesi. Patent 000138607409 – Registration February 2011. This invention refers to the realization of peculiar nanostructures of highly biocompatible inorganic oxides (titania) that can be used in structures inhabited by living beings.